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SLEEPLESS: Discovering the Power of the Night Self with ANNABEL ABBS

16th October, 2024, Steyning Methodist Church

World Book Day Book Signing with Julia Donaldson

Julia Donaldson Go Away Bird Signing
Date: 7th March, 2019
Location: The Steyning Bookshop

What better way to celebrate World Book Day than with the nation’s favourite children’s author, Julia Donaldson?
Julia’s new book ‘The Go Away Bird’ is released on …Thursday March 7th, which just happens to be World Book Day.
Julia will be at the shop for an after-school book signing, with 3 signing sessions starting at 4pm. There is no charge, but you MUST book a place in advance by paying for at least 1 book, and stating your timing of choice: 4pm, 4.30pm, or 5pm. You can book by calling the bookshop on 01903 812062.
‘The Go Away Bird’ is a funny and charming story about the power of friendship, inspired by the birds Julia encountered during her safari trip to Kenya. It marks an exciting new creative partnership for Julia, as the stunning illustrations are provided by the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal-winning Catherine Rayner (already an acclaimed name in illustration for her wonderful books ‘Augustus and his Smile’, ‘Solomon Crocodile’, ‘Ernest’, ‘Smelly Louie’)
‘The Go Away Bird’ will be available in hardback for £11.99, and we will have all Julia’s other books on sale and available for signing, too.