Upcoming events

An Evening with LISA CARTER Introducing her Debut Novel SIX POPPIES

27th February, 2025, Upstairs at AWEN FURNITURE, 54 HIGH STREET, STEYNING

Patrick Barkham celebrates new release

Date: 15th April, 2015
Location: Sussex Produce Cafe, Steyning, West Sussex

An Author Supper with nature writer and Guardian journalist Patrick Barkham to celebrate the release of his book ‘Coastlines’.

Tickets £29 to include a complimentary copy of Patrick’s book, a delicious 2 course meal, and of course a fascinating talk by Patrick, sharing the story of his 742 mile journey around the stretches of British coast which are protected by The National Trust. Patrick’s previous two critically acclaimed books were ‘Badgerlands’ and ‘The Butterfly Isles’, so he really is a treasure trove of information on all things natural – get your questions ready!